Friday, August 20, 2010

Remember our guest Alfonso Freeman?

Share a few of the things Alfonso Freeman talked about at our Kidz-n-Biz session on Wednesday. All responders get 50 JIT points per response up to 3 responses. That means you can get 25 blog participation points and up to 150 JIT points.

Make it a great day.

Pastor Cedric


jian316 said...

The best advice you can ever get is advice that starts with the word do.

- Alfonso Freeman

Anonymous said...

dont do a job that you hate.if you do a job you love your stress level will go down and you will succeed more.

matthew sesti

jian316 said...

Don't let fear stop you from doing something that you really love.

- Alfonso Freeman

jian316 said...

Have a mentor that encourages you and teaches you to do the right thing.

- Alfonso Freeman

Jillaroo said...

Listen to people to succeed. Then you can succeed too.